Will medical third crainal nerve palsy resolve on its own?
The following factors may affect the prognosis of third cranial nerve palsy:
* The cause of the palsy
* The severity of the palsy
* The duration of the palsy
* The patient's age and overall health
Third cranial nerve palsy that is caused by a transient condition, such as a viral infection, is more likely to resolve spontaneously than palsy that is caused by a structural abnormality, such as a tumor. Mild palsy is also more likely to resolve spontaneously than severe palsy. Palsy that lasts for a longer duration is less likely to resolve spontaneously. Older patients and patients with poor overall health are also less likely to experience spontaneous resolution of third cranial nerve palsy.
Treatment of third cranial nerve palsy is typically aimed at the underlying cause. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct a structural abnormality. In other cases, medications or physical therapy may be used to improve the symptoms of palsy.