How Do you Know if have a broken back?
1. Severe Pain:
You may experience intense pain in the back that worsens with movement or being touched.
2. Difficulty Moving:
You might have trouble moving or walking, and even the slightest movement may cause significant pain.
3. Spinal Deformity:
A visible deformity or unnatural curve in the back can be a sign of a broken vertebrae.
4. Loss of Sensation:
If there is damage to the spinal cord, you may lose sensation in certain areas below the level of the injury. This can include numbness, tingling, or a decreased ability to feel touch or temperature.
5. Problems with Bladder and Bowel Function:
A broken back can disrupt nerve signals to the bladder and bowels, causing incontinence or difficulty with bowel movements.
6. Paralysis:
In severe cases, a spinal fracture can result in paralysis, either partial (paresis) or complete, affecting movement and sensation below the level of the injury.
7. Muscle Spasms:
Your back muscles may go into spasms as the body's natural response to protect the injured area.
8. Bruising or Swelling:
You may notice bruising, discoloration, or swelling around the affected area.
9. Tenderness:
The area over the broken vertebrae might be tender to the touch.
10. Breathing Difficulties:
A spinal injury can affect the nerves that control breathing, leading to difficulty breathing, particularly if the fracture is in the upper part of the spine.
11. Head and Neck Pain:
A fractured back in the upper spine might cause pain that extends to the head and neck.
It's important to note that some spinal fractures might not exhibit all of these symptoms. If you suspect a broken back or any of the symptoms listed above, seek immediate medical care. Avoiding movement and keeping the spine stabilized is crucial to prevent further injury. Call emergency services or have someone take you to the nearest hospital for proper evaluation and treatment.