How to Improve a Hunched Posture
Things You'll Need
- Full-length mirror
Stand in profile in front of a full-length mirror to observe what perfect standing posture looks like. Avoid holding your head forward, backward or to the side. Hold your chest high and keep your shoulders relaxed and pulled back. Tighten your core by pulling in your stomach and buttocks. Relax your knees, keep your feet parallel and distribute your weight evenly across both feet.
Maintain an erect and tall posture when sitting. Sit with your back against your chair, your shoulders back and your feet flat on the floor. Keep your knees in line with your hips. Hold your head erect and tuck your chin slightly so that your gaze is downward.
Monitor your posture throughout the day by looking in windows as you pass or checking a mirror. Adjust your posture whenever you begin to fall back into bad habits.
Arrange your workspace so that it promotes good posture. If you work at a desk, position your computer monitor at or just below eye level and move your keyboard so that you can relax your shoulders while typing. Purchase an ergonomic chair, mouse and keyboard if possible.
Avoid sitting or standing in the same position for long periods of time. Get up from your seat and walk around every half hour. Place a rubber mat under your feet if you must stand in one spot for prolonged periods.
Perform exercises that work your core muscles. Incorporate exercises such as swimming, walking or cycling into your workout, as well as strength straining. Enroll in yoga or tai chi classes to improve your posture.
Avoid high heels or shoes that lack support. Wear these shoes only for special occasions. Choose shoes with a wide toe box, arch support and a one-inch or lower heel to support your good posture.