The Relationship Between Excess Weight & Bulging Discs

According to WebMD, the vertebrae are separated by discs that serve to cushion the spine, absorb shock, and maintain spinal flexibility. Spinal discs can be damaged by the aging process or improper lifting techniques. Lifestyle factors, such as being overweight, can also increase your risk for injuries like "bulging discs."
  1. What is a Bulging Disc?

    • A bulging disc occurs when a damaged disc develops a small bubble somewhere on the disc, according to Stewart Eidelson, MD, of SpineUniverse. If the bubble protrudes into a spinal nerve, it can cause pain or numbness. The pain is normally treated with rest and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) or other pain relievers.

    Weight as a Factor

    • Johns Hopkins University lists excess weight or obesity as one cause of bulging and herniated discs. Carrying extra weight places an added strain on the back, which may cause or worsen a bulging disc.


    • Regular exercise can help to prevent bulging discs by improving core strength, flexibility and posture, which reduces your risk of injury. It may also help to relieve the symptoms of a bulging disc in two ways. First, exercise may relieve the pain of the bulging disc. Second, regular exercise may help you lose excess weight, relieving back strain.


    • A bulging disc can precede a herniated disc, in which the disc actually breaks open and fluid leaks out. If you have symptoms of a bulging or herniated disc, consult your doctor to determine the best course of treatment.

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