How to Stand With Good Posture
Standing with good posture really is good for you, once you actually do it. According to experts at the Cleveland Clinic, standing with good posture not only reduces joint and back pain, but it makes you look better. Learning how to stand with good posture is a beneficial and free way to instantly improve your health and your appearance.Instructions
Stand with your arms hanging in a natural position at your sides and your feet shoulder width apart.
Distribute your weight evenly over the balls of your feet, as opposed to your heels. Do not lock your knees.
Stand up tall and straight. Don't allow your shoulders to slump.
Put your head in a level position by slightly tucking in your chin. Align your head so that it is square on your neck and spine.
Check your alignment. When standing with good posture, your body should line up so that your pelvis is over your feet, your ribcage is over your pelvis, you shoulders are over your ribs, your head is over your feet and your shoulders are in line with your earlobes.