Stabilization Exercises for the Lower Back
Leg Lifts
Leg lifts are a low impact way to build up core muscles in the body, including the muscles around the lower back, while also allowing you to stretch them out. To do a leg lift, find a comfortable spot on the floor and lie down. Make sure that your back is flat on the floor and that your spine is straight. Bring one foot in, so that your one leg is bent at around 90 degrees. Lift the other leg a foot or so off the ground and tighten up the muscles in your buttocks, stomach and back. With your raised leg, do small circles with the foot. Repeat it ten times for each leg. You can also vary the workout by doing small squares with your foot.
Kneeling Lunge
The kneeling lunge is another exercise that will help you stretch out, stabilize and strengthen your core muscles, including your lower back. Start from a kneeling position. Make sure that you have found a spot that is soft so that you don't hurt your knees when doing it. Your hands should be on your hips. Bring one foot forward so that your leg is bent at 90 degrees, upper thigh parallel to the floor. Slowly lean forward on the front leg with you stomach, back and buttock muscles tight. This movement should come from the hips, a non-violent lunge forward. Hold the position at the most forward for three seconds and bring your body back so your spine is straight. Repeat this 10 times which each leg.
Back Bridge
The back bridge is a progressive exercise that can be used to stabilize the back by building the lumbar muscles, the main muscle group involved in back stabilization. To do a bridge, start by lying on the floor with your spine straight and your arms down at your side. Bring your feet in so that your legs are bent past 90 degrees. Tighten your stomach, back and buttock muscles and then bring your buttocks off the floor 8--12 inches, keeping your back rigid. Hold the position for three seconds and then bring your buttocks back to level. Do five sets to start out with. You can progress the exercise as you go by first alternately raising your heels off the floor and eventually, lifting and straightening an entire leg.
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