Information for Sciatic Nerve Relief

The large sciatic nerve runs from lower lumbar area of the spine to the hips and buttocks. When the sciatic nerve becomes compressed or inflamed, a painful condition known as sciatica may occur.
  1. Causes

    • Sciatica often results from a herniated disc. However, any condition causing compression or inflammation of the nerve can cause this type of pain.


    • Several ways exist to diagnose the pain. You might be sent for an X-ray, MRI, CT scan or nerve conduction test. Once a doctor has diagnosed the exact cause of your sciatica, he can prescribe the right treatment for pain relief.


    • Pain is a key symptom. It often occurs in the lower back, hips and buttocks area. At times, it can even be felt in the legs and feet. Other symptoms may include muscle weakness, numbness and difficulty moving the leg. The kind of symptoms you have will be key to what kind of pain relief is prescribed.


    • Sciatica may be alleviated with self-care measures, anti-inflammatory medications or steroids prescribed by a doctor. If there's a herniated disc, physical therapy could be ordered. Severe cases might warrant surgery. Although painful, sciatica rarely results in permanent damage.

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