Back Problems From Office Chairs
Chair Selection
Choose an ergonomic office chair that supports the natural curve of the spine. The chair should have a contour cushion that forces the lower back to arch when you sit. A proper office chair should also have armrests that allow you to rest your arms at a 90 degree angle to relieve strain on the neck, back and shoulders.
Keep you shoulders back and adjust your office chair so that your workstation is elbow-height and your computer screen is eye level. Avoid leaning forward or letting your spine curve into a "C" position. Sit with your bum touching the back of the chair and your thighs parallel to the floor. Also, keep your feet flat on the floor to relieve pressure on your lower back.
Although proper posture and an ergonomic office chair can reduce the risk of back pain, sitting in one position for a long time is bad for the back. So get up from your office chair every 30 minutes to walk around and stretch.