The Advantages of an Inversion Board
Inversion Board Features
The patient lies on the board face down or up. Padded ankle closures secure a patient in place. Basic features of an inversion table include rotation to different angles. Gears lock the table for stabilization. The table is padded and adjustable for comfort and support with padded rests for knees and forearms, too. Orthopedic doctors, chiropractors and other medical professionals use inversion boards.
Disc Relief
The spine consists of a series of discs through which nerves pass. The discs function as shock absorbers, and separate the vertebra to keep the spine flexible. A jelly-like substance between each disc acts as a cushion. Each day, the cushion loses moisture that reduces the disc's flexibility. Pressure increases on the nerves when the space between the discs decreases. The inversion board reverses gravity's pressure on the disc by elongating the space between the discs as moisture naturally returns to the disc cushion.
Improve Posture
A healthy spine has a natural "S" curve that keeps the body in its proper posture or alignment whether standing, moving or sitting. Repeated and prolonged poor posture habits like sloped shoulders, sloughing in chairs, and even wearing high heels put stress on the spine's natural alignment. Inversion treatment puts the spine in line with gravity to restore it to its proper alignment. Maintaining proper posture is crucial in keeping the body in balance.
Increase Oxygen
The flow of blood works against gravity as the heart pumps it throughout the body to the brain. Any reduction of oxygen to the brain can result in reduced brain function such as memory and concentration. Use of an inversion table increases the blood flow to the brain, which enhances the amount of oxygen to all parts of it helping maintain normal brain function. If you have high blood pressure or are pregnant, consult with your physician before using inversion treatment.
Organ Alignment
All internal organs have their specific location in the body. Sometimes because of age or injury organs such as the kidneys, stomach or intestines can shift or slip out of position. The middle-age spread around the waist may not always be a sign of being overweight, but can be due to the misalignment of organs. Other symptoms may include poor digestion and bowel movement problems. Inversion treatment can help realign organs to their normal position in the body.