Types of Chiropractics
Initially, chiropractic care commonly focuses on relieving the patient's pain. Relief-based care attempts to rid the patient of recently developed pain rather than long-term discomfort. This pain is commonly the result of spinal injuries that cause damage to the nervous system throughout the body. Since each injury is different, the amount and frequency of relief-based care will depend on the individual.
When a patient has more intensive injuries, corrective chiropractic care is commonly employed. The goal of corrective care is to fix problems with the spine and body that have occurred over a long period of time without assistance. Corrective care is ideal for patients who suffer with chronic pain and suffering. Due to the severity of these problems, corrective chiropractic care may take several sessions before taking effect.
After an individual has received relief- or corrective-based chiropractic care, maintenance care must be employed to prevent re-injury. No matter what the severity is, after the spine has been injured and manipulated it becomes extremely weak and prone to injury. Maintenance care should be employed within two to six weeks after the completion of relief or corrective care to ensure lasting results. Depending on the initial injury, maintenance care may be required for an extended period of time.
While spinal manipulation is the most common practice within chiropractic care, other therapeutic techniques are often employed. To further the work done by the chiropractor, many patients are encouraged to participate in stretching, exercise and physical therapy. Chiropractors may also recommend that patients make lifestyle changes including modifications to their diets. Finally, many chiropractors include technology with their practices; frequently used technologies include ultrasounds and electric nerve stimulation.