Waterbeds & Back Pain
Chronic back pain is often the most difficult form of back pain to live with because it can be a lifelong pain. Acute back pain is a sharp, quick pain that may go away within a few hours to a few days. Some of the best ways to relieve back pain include a mattress that provides all-over support, cushioning of the spine, and low levels of heat to reduce muscle tension in the back.
People who suffer from back pain often turn over in their sleep, which reduces the quality of sleep that they are getting. According to ODG Treatment, a waterbed, or another contour-forming mattress, had a positive influence on back pain, and increased the quality of sleep. Differences, however, were minimal because many people dropped out of the the study that produced the results.
Many waterbeds now include modernized technology that adds a heating feature. Owners of a waterbed mattress can turn the heated feature on, which adds to the relief of back pain. ODG Treatment supports the fact that low levels of heat provide an excellent source of relief that is superior to over-the-counter pain medications, particularly when dealing with lower back pain.
Some people don't believe that a waterbed can relieve back pain, or they worry about the waterbed's movement. However, a person purchasing a waterbed can choose a bed that has limited wave abilities. This means that the mattress is firmer than a typical waterbed and still provides cushioning support of the spine in almost the same way that a memory foam mattress would.
According to Waterbed Land, approximately 6,000,000 Americans suffer from back pain that is bothersome enough to put them out of work. Anyone suffering from back pain should consult their doctor about the best possible options to relieve back pain. This includes discussing pain medications, exercises to strengthen the spine and muscles around the spine, and recommended mattresses to reduce back pain while sleeping.