Effectiveness of Laser Therapy for Back Problems
Consider the Contraindications of Cold Laser Therapy
Cold laser therapy is effective and safe for treating pain and inflammation that arises from (and causes) back problems, but there are contraindications to be considered. Before seeking laser therapy for back problems, the patient's specific condition must be diagnosed by a doctor, who must also check that there are no other medical conditions that pose contraindications of laser treatment. If the back displays dark spots on the skin's surface in any shape or form, a dermatologist must verify that the lesions are not pre-cancerous or cancerous. Without a proper diagnosis of skin lesions on the back, laser therapy cannot yet be an option for back treatment, because its effects on cancerous lesions are still unknown. Also, laser therapy is not an option for treating the back problems of pregnant women, since the effects of the laser light penetration through the skin tissue on fetuses are also unknown. Cold laser therapy is considered safe and free of side effects, since its low energy light and low absorption rate of tissue cannot burn the skin cells or cause damage to the skin, yet its proven effects on cell metabolism imply that it could potentially have adverse effects on certain health conditions. Although it has not been concluded either way, doctors must assume the aforementioned contraindications, among others, are unsuitable for treatment. It is therefore imperative that a medical diagnosis excludes the patient from these contraindications prior to undergoing laser therapy for back problems.
Identify the Entire Area of Back Pain and Its Cause
Laser therapy employs different protocols for different conditions. The chiropractor or treatment provider must be able to identify the exact location of the back to address and the cause of the back problems in order to modify the laser treatment protocol for optimum effectiveness. The laser beams must be able to target and penetrate the entire tissue of the affected area at a certain depth and for a certain duration of time, which is determined by the exact condition of the back and its effect on pain and inflammation. In order to relieve the pain effectively, protocol adjustments in the length of treatment, laser wavelength and target points must function to stimulate cell reparation and regeneration, minimize scar tissue and increase blood flow to the back. The protocol will also employ either a large overhead device, which emits multiple laser panels to address large areas in their entirety, or hand-held devices that use precision technology for effectiveness.
Be Persistent and Consistent with Treatment
While cold laser therapy is highly effective for relieving the pain and inflammation of back problems, Spine-Health.com reports that it can take anywhere from 8 to 30 treatments for treatment to be most effective. Moderate to severe back conditions could easily require two to four laser treatment sessions per week. Fortunately, cold laser therapy is completely painless and absent of side effects. The procedure does not require anesthesia and does not require post-procedure medication. During the treatment sessions, most patients simply read or relax. There is no downtime with this type of laser therapy, and patients can return to normal daily activities immediately after treatment. Synergy Therapeutic Group in Illinois, which offers LLLT treatment, reports that an estimated 75 to 80 percent of patients treated with laser therapy notice an improvement after only one treatment.