Chiropractic Treatment for Bulging Discs
The shock-absorbing cushions between the vertebrae are known as intervertebral discs. When a disc becomes damaged through trauma or "wear and tear," it may develop a weakness along an outer edge. This can result in a bulging disc.
While certain signs, symptoms and X-ray findings may suggest that there is a disc bulge, an absolute diagnosis requires advanced imaging, usually magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The advantage of MRI is that it actually provides a visual image of the discs themselves. Just as important, the MRI also shows the spinal nerves. These spinal nerves are very sensitive and can become damaged if compressed by a large disc bulge. Just like any other injury, disc bulges come in varying degrees of severity.
A small disc bulge may cause minor symptoms of pain and stiffness in the back. A severe disc bulge may cause compression of one or more spinal nerves resulting in excruciating radiating pain into an arm or leg, or may even cause numbness or weakness in the limb. The most severe cases are more likely to require surgery. Mild or moderate disc bulges usually do not require surgery. In fact, according to one study, some adults with mild disc bulges have no symptoms at all. Unless there is severe numbness or weakness in an arm or leg, conservative treatment should be tried first. Chiropractic is an appropriate option in these cases.
Chiropractic Treatment
The immediate goal of chiropractic treatment is to reduce the pain and inflammation associated with the disc bulge, and to facilitate a return to normal activities. The chiropractor may use various types of spinal manipulation or traction to help restore mobility and to maximize the available space for the spinal nerves. Ice applications and corset-type braces may be used early on. Some chiropractors may utilize ultrasound or electrical stimulation to reduce inflammation and relax muscles.
Long term goals include restoration of full mobility and a return to vigorous activities. Treatment strategies should include exercise to strengthen the area of injury.
Working With Your Chiropractor
Certain strategies will help you agree on a plan of action with your chiropractor. Make sure your chiropractor feels comfortable treating disc problems, and insist on a thorough examination including an MRI if needed. Ask about alternate treatment methods if you are not improving within two weeks, and seek guidance on strengthening exercises.