How to Stop Degenerative Disc Disease
Take pain medications. Although this therapy will not restore mass to your degenerated discs, it can greatly reduce the painful symptoms. Your doctor may recommend non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, or corticosteroid injections. Talk to your doctor about which medications are right for you.
Quit smoking. Cigarette use is linked to a host of medical issues, one of which is chronic lower back pain. Tobacco is also linked to bone degeneration. Quit smoking to slow the onset of degenerative disc disease and alleviate its symptoms.
Exercise regularly. Our day-to-day activities place continual stress on our lower backs, leading to the slow degeneration of our spinal discs. Strengthen your lower back muscles by exercise regularly with aerobic activity and light lifting routines.
Eat a bone-healthy diet. Eating a diet full of calcium and vitamin D will keep your bones healthy and strong for as long as possible. Foods high in calcium include milk, salmon an tofu. Find vitamin D in foods such as tuna, eggs and cod liver oil. These nutrients can also be safely taken in supplement form.
Lose weight. If you are obese, your excess body fat places undue strain on your spinal cord. Shedding this weight can delay the onset of degenerative disc disease.