What Exercises Can Be Done for a Bulging Disc?
Abdominal Strength
Strengthening the lower abdomen is a goal in physical therapy to help support the middle section of the body. This falls in line with strengthening the muscles around the spine in that it helps keep the body upright without putting all the stress on the spine. While lying down on the floor with knees bent, pull the stomach muscles in and hold for a count of ten. This is a beginner exercise and is good for those with painful bulging discs because the spine does not move. Leg and arm lifts are added after a time to strengthen the body while allowing the spine to rest.
Stretching exercises are a good way to help with an damaged disc. Stretching allows blood to flow into the area, and increased blood flow helps with healing. Lying down flat on the floor with knees bent is the start of one exercise. The pelvis is then rotated so that the back is completely flat to the ground including the lower back. The position is held for five seconds and then stopped. Afterwards the back is arched slightly for five seconds. Another involves lying on the floor and raising one knee to the chest and holding for five seconds. Repeat the process with the other knee. It needs stating that all exercises, including stretches, should never be done until a doctor is consulted.
One exercise works on stretching the spine while working on keeping the back in the correct position and strengthening the lower trapezius muscles. The back must be straight for this exercise, and it is best that the patient is sitting in a comfortable chair. The individual lifts the chest bone straight up while simultaneously lightly pressing the shoulder blades down and towards each other.
Certain exercises can help build muscle surrounding the problem area. By strengthening the muscles, this helps support the area more securely which takes pressure off the bulging disc. Walking in place on a small exercise trampoline is one exercise that helps with muscle building in the spine. It does this by working on balance. While trying to keep balance, the body has to use the muscles around the spine to stay upright. The trampoline cushions the walk so that the back is not jarred constantly.