Degenerative Disks & Bladder Control
Intervertebral Disks
Intervertebral disks rest between the vertebrae in your spine. They act as cushions between the vertebrae and as shock absorbers for your spine, says the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.
Degenerative Disks
Disks can degenerate over time, wearing away and growing smaller. A worn disk is more likely to herniate, bulging out of place and putting pressure on nearby nerves.
Symptoms of degenerative disks include lower back pain and stiffness. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, if the disk herniates, it can result in a pinched nerve, which can cause a loss of bladder control.
A herniated disk can be treated with pain medication. Steroid injections near the damaged disk can reduce swelling and take pressure off nerves. Surgery to remove the protruding portion of the disk is also an option, says the National Institutes of Health.
Loss of bladder control is an extreme symptom of degenerative disks. If you experience it, especially in combination with muscle weakness in your legs, contact your doctor right away.