Arch Support & Back Pain
If you have a flat foot or arch collapse or too much pronation when you walk, this is going to cause back pain. Pronation of the foot refers to the way your body distributes weight as you walk.
If you over-pronate when you walk, you strike the ground with the outside side of the heel and your weight is transferred from the heel to the metatarsus (the five foot bones that are located between the tarsal bones of the hind- and mid-foot and the toes.) The force of the heel striking the ground can perpetuate and aggravate low back pain. In over-pronation, the foot then rolls too far toward the arch, flattening the arch. Your weight is distributed unevenly with excessive weight put on the hallux (big toe.) An arch support can give your feet needed support and structure, which should help correct your walk.
Stress Reduction
Over-pronation results in stress on your back, leg, pelvis and hip. This stress can be significantly reduced if you put inserts into your shoes.
If you have misalignment issues with your legs and back, this interferes with spinal function and causes pain, which can be relieved to a certain degree if you wear orthotics.
When you put arch supports in your shoes this helps spread your weight around evenly. The arch supports serve to cushion your feet and provide support, which relieves the pain in your back, according to Shock-absorbing shoe inserts reduce structure strains.