Chronic Right Side Back Pain
How You Sit
If you cross your legs when you are seated, this can result in sacroiliac (SI) joint pain and lower right side back pain that extends into your buttocks. Sleeping on your right side can also result in lower right side pain.
The Way You Sleep
Back sleeping may be preferable. This way you can avoid compressing your hips and shoulders and putting too much pressure on the joint in your jaw. When you consistently sleep on one side or another, you will create an imbalance in your body, according to when side-sleeping, you are hunching your shoulders, which compresses your shoulder joint as well as shortens your chest muscles.
Stomach Snoozing
Stomach sleeping can also cause lower back pain due to the way your pelvis is tilted when you sleep, which results in the shortening of muscles in your legs, pelvis and lower back.
What To Avoid
If you sleep on your back, do not let one of your knees kick out to side because this will shorten the rotating muscles that are in your buttocks and result in back pain.
When pressure is placed on the vertebrae in your lower back because of shortened muscles in your glutes and upper leg, this can result in back pain.
When standing, distribute your weight evenly. Don't shift your weight so that it is concentrated more on one leg than the other because this will cause lower back pain.
Additional Causes
Chronic right side back pain can also be caused by an infection, including a urinary tract infection. A hernia can result in lower right side back pain, according to, as can irritable bowel syndrome.