Nocturnal Back Pain
Avoid Long Periods of Sitting or Standing
During the day, avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time. Try to alternate the weight you put on each leg if standing for a long period of time or rest a foot on a stool. If sitting a lot, get up often to stretch or walk around a little.
If Pregnant, Don't Lay On Your Back
If pregnant, do not lay on your back. This causes pressure on the major veins and arteries in the back. This in turn decreases circulation and increases fluid retention in the pelvic area. The increased fluid buildup in the pelvis causes pressure on the spinal nerves resulting in back pain.
Avoid Muscle Fatigue
Learn and use postures that relieve muscle fatigue throughout the day. Many episodes of nocturnal back pain result in muscle fatigue that has built up throughout the day. Wearing good supportive shoes will also help in preventing muscle fatigue.
Sleep On Your Side
Sleeping on your side, especially when pregnant, relieves pressure on the spine and sacroiliac nerve. It also places the spine and back in a more neutral position. Placing a pillow between the knees assists in taking strain off of the back. If pregnant, placing a pillow under the abdomen while laying on your side also helps.
Exercise is one of the best ways to treat and prevent further recurrences of nocturnal back pain. There are specific back exercises that will help to strengthen the back so that further pain can be avoided. It is best to check with you physician first before trying any exercises.