Facet Injection for Back Pain
Other Benefits of Facet Injections
There are many other benefits to receiving facet injections, such as the relief of arthritis, bulging discs, and to help relieve muscle tension and strain.
What is a Facet Injection
A facet injection is a shot that's given into the central area of pain, usually located around a facet joint in the spine, and is primarily enclosed inside the joint capsule. Each spinal vertebra has four facet joints.
The Injection Ingredients
The facet injections are created from a combination of corticosteriods (medications that imitate the effects of certain hormones), and hydrocortisone, which is generally produced from our adrenal glands. The combination makes a very effective pain reliever.
To be a Good Candidate
To be a candidate for the facet injections, first you must waive all of your other options such as physical therapy, inflammatory medicines and back braces. Also the patient must not be taking any blood thinning medications or aspirin, to help prevent excess bleeding.
Who Shouldn't Receive the Facet Injections
People who shouldn't consider having the facet injections are women who are pregnant, people who have diabetes, and those with high blood pressure.
About The Procedure
The facet injections are done as an outpatient procedure and are usually performed by a back specialist. The injections take approximately 15 to 30 minutes, followed by a little recovery time. It's important to make sure you have someone there to drive you home, and to follow up with your doctor in seven days.