How to Use a Back Stretcher
Things You'll Need
- Back stretcher
- Floor space
- Comfortable clothing
- Pillow
- Neck stretcher
Place your back stretcher on the floor. Place a pillow at the far end of it. Sit down directly in front of the unit with your knees bent and both feet on the floor. Slowly lean back on your back stretcher and place your head on the pillow. Position yourself so that your entire back rests against the beads or wooden discs.
Move yourself around and find the most comfortable position possible. Position your feet so that they are about 12 inches apart. Slowly roll your body to the left and stretch the muscles. Allow the beads or tips of the wood discs to apply pressure on your back. Hold that position for five seconds, then return to the middle of the unit. Stay in that position for five seconds, then roll to your right. Hold that position for five seconds. Do five repetitions in each position, then relax.
Place your feet together and spread your knees out. Roll to your left and hold that position for five seconds, then return to the middle of the unit. Count to five then roll to your right. Hold that position for five seconds. Complete five total repetitions, then relax.
Put the neck unit down in place of the pillow. Lean back on the neck stretcher and just lie there for a few minutes. Slowly lift your buttocks off the ground, slide back and position yourself further back on your unit if it has two different ends that slope down. Move the neck stretcher back as needed while keeping it under your neck. Stretch the lower back and hip area for several minutes, then relax. Experiment with different positions on your back stretcher. Focus on the areas that are most painful or tense. Spend 10 to 15 minutes daily on your back stretcher.