What Is Posterior Disk Bulging at L1-2?
Bulging Disk
A bulging disk occurs when one of the soft pads that cushion your spine is damaged. All or part of the disk is pushed out through a weak part of the disk, putting pressure on nearby nerves.
A posterior bulging disk at L1-2 occurs when the disk at the top of your lumbar region herniates.
Symptoms of a bulging disk at L1-2 include pain and weakness when you try to raise either of your thighs while seated. You could also experience pain in your back.
A bulging disk at L1-2 can be treated with rest, physical therapy and anti-inflammatory medication. If non-invasive treatments do not help, surgery including a diskectomy or spinal fusion can be considered.
A bulging disk is more likely to occur in men of middle age and older, especially if they do a lot of lifting or strenuous activity. About 90 percent of patients who experience a bulging disk recover without surgery.