How to Adjust a Sleep Number For a Sore Back
Digital Remote
Set your Sleep Number® digital remote to read 50 or 60. This mid-range number will give you a starting place to find your perfect number.
Lay down on the bed in your preferred position and check your comfort level. Line up your neck and back. Note if, while on your back, if the mattress supports the small of your back. Note if, while on your side, the mattress supports the curve along your waist.
Adjust by increments of 10, using the up and down arrows, until you find a comfortable setting at which the mattress supports the small of your back while you're on your back or the curve along your waist while you're on your side.
Test your new Sleep Number® setting by sleeping on the mattress.
Make minor adjustments as needed.
Non-Digital Remote
Fully inflate the mattress.
Hold down the softer button for five to 10 seconds.
Lay down on the bed in your preferred position and check your comfort level. Line up your neck and back. Note if, while on your back, if the mattress supports the small of your back. Note if, while on your side, the mattress supports the curve along your waist.
Add air for one to five seconds if you have discomfort in the lower back.
Release air for one to five seconds if you have discomfort in the upper back, shoulders or hips.