Treatment for a Herniated Disc With Free Fragments
Herniated Disc
A herniated disc occurs when one of the soft, cushioning discs between the vertebrae in your spine herniates. The center of the disc pushes out through the disc's walls and protrudes, putting pressure on nearby nerves.
Free Fragments
Free fragments occur when some of a herniated disc's center portion breaks free from the rest of the disc. Free fragments can also place pressure on nearby nerves.
Non-surgical Treatment
Non-surgical treatment is effective in 90 percent of patients with herniated discs. Anti-inflammatory medications and exercise to strengthen the muscles that support your spine can bring relief for your symptoms.
Surgical treatment for a herniated disc with free fragments is called a discectomy. During this procedure, a surgeon will remove the damaged portion of the disc along with the free fragments.
If the surgeon misses any free fragments during surgery that continue to put pressure on nerves, you could still experience pain.