Chronic Severe Lower Back Pain
Severe lower back pain that is present for at least three months without relief is considered be chronic.
A person suffering from chronic lower back pain will have recurrences of their condition. These recurrences can come at any time and differ in duration and severity.
Unlike acute lower back pain, which is generally brought on by a specific injury or trauma to the spine, in many cases the cause of chronic severe lower back pain cannot be identified.
Some Identifiable Causes
In some instances, chronic lower back pain can be related to an identifiable event or condition. Among others, these can include past or current injuries to the spinal area, or structural problems such as spinal stenosis, ruptured discs or spondylolisthesis.
There are many options for treatment of chronic severe lower back pain. These range from non-invasive procedures such as physical therapy, to invasive procedures such as spine surgery. It is important to consult with your doctor to discuss an appropriate course of action for relieving chronic lower back pain.