Sarcoma Tumor on Sciatic Nerve
The sciatic nerve begins in the lower back area, and runs down the legs. This nerve is responsible for muscle control and feeling in the lower legs, buttocks, thighs and feet. A sarcoma tumor may cause pain when pressing on the sciatic nerve.
Some of the most common symptoms associated with sciatic nerve pain are tingling in the toes and feet, pain from the buttocks to the calf and muscle weakness. A loss of bladder or bowel control with sciatic pain is a sign of a serious medical condition and may require emergency care.
Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic tests may be used to help determine the cause of sciatic nerve pain. An MRI is one of the most widely used tests to determine the presence of a tumor on the spinal cord. This is a non-invasive test that has no lasting side effects.
Prescription medication may be prescribed to help relieve the pain and inflammation associated with sciatic nerve pain. In the case of a sarcoma tumor, surgery is usually recommended to remove the tumor, and the doctor will suggest further treatment after the tumor is removed.
It is important to seek medical care for sciatic nerve pain if you experience sudden, sharp pain in the lower back, experience weakness in the legs or have trouble controlling the bowel or bladder.