How to Avoid Back Pain at Work
When you sit at your desk for a long time and don't change position, you will cause increased pressure on one area and back tension. To avoid this move around and change positions. Next, work on your posture while sitting at your desk. Is your computer monitor at eye level or is it too high or too low? This will affect whether or not you have to strain your neck to look up or down and it will affect the posture of the upper back as well. Is your mouse close to you or do you have to reach to use it? Reaching for a mouse one time will not cause a problem but reaching over and over throughout the day will eventually cause muscle tension in your shoulders. Make sure the chair you sit in all day provides good support for your back.
Make sure that your every day actions at work prevent back pain from occurring. For example, don't squish your phone between your ear and shoulder, as this will strain your neck and shoulder. Don't twist and bend to pick up files while you're sitting at your desk. Instead, get up and squat down on the ground to pick up the files. Don't carry heavy boxes. Instead use a dolly or ask someone to assist you.
Every twenty minutes stand up and stretch for a couple of minutes. Stretching will bring circulation to the muscles and release tension, which will prevent back pain. You will find a video of stretches to do for your back while you're at work in the resource section under this article.