Ergonomic Chairs for Back Pain
Effects of Poorly Designed Chairs
Back pain is one of the most common problems for people who sit in chairs that do not support correct posture. Some other problems that result from poorly designed chairs include restricted circulation, fatigue, swelling, and numbness.
According to Cornell University, a person can better maintain a healthy spine when the back can move freely while sitting. An ergonomic chair should be able to recline easily and support the back in a variety of postures.
According to the United States Department of Labor, the most important elements of a chair are the base, seat, armrest, and backrest.
Time Frame
The length of time that someone sits in a chair can also cause physical ailments. John J. Triano, D.C., Ph.D., states that sitting for prolonged periods of time can cause lower back pain or worsen an existing back problem.
Individuals who sit in a chair that does not offer good back support can use a rolled-up towel. The rolled-up towel should be placed at the lower-back area of the chair. The towel should cause the lower back to arch slightly so that a person doesn't slump forward. You can also use a removable cushion to provide the support needed to maintain the natural curve of the spine.
Some manufacturers of ergonomic chairs include Body Built, Ultimate Back Store, and High Tech Seating. When choosing an ergonomic chair, individuals should look closely at the product label to determine whether the chair truly incorporates ergonomic guidelines.