Tens Device & Sciatic Nerve Pain
The TENS device, according to spineuniverse.com, is a portable machine that uses electrical current to stimulate nerves. The electric current can be controlled to variable intensities.
A TENS unit works by tricking the nerves into not recognizing the pain. The pain signals from the sciatic nerve are masked, according to chiropractors.org.
The TENS device has two sets of electrical pads. Placement of these pads determines the path of the current. Sciatic nerve pain requires placement across the lower back and down the affected buttocks.
Each TENS device comes with instructions on the correct mode for the body part to be treated. Each mode has a different frequency and pulsation for the amount of electrical current.
Setting the level of the TENS device too high can cause the muscles to twitch. There should be just a slight tingling with each pulsation, according to The Chronic Pain Haven.