Sciatic Nerve Damage & Recovery
Sciatic Nerve
Your sciatic nerve controls the muscles at the back of your knee and in your lower legs. It begins at your spine and branches to run down the back of your legs.
Sciatic nerve damage often results from an accident that places pressure on the nerve. For example, if you have a herniated disc in your spine, the disc can push down on the nerve and damage it.
Non-surgical Recovery
The damage to your sciatic nerve can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication. Injections of corticosteroids near the nerve can reduce swelling and pain, helping your recovery.
Surgical Recovery
If a herniated disc is causing the damage, your doctor can perform surgery to remove the part of the disc that is pressing down on the nerve. You will need a few weeks to recover from the surgery.
Most people recover from sciatic nerve damage on their own given enough time and rest.