How to Pick Out a Back Support Brace

An injured back can hurt when you're standing, when you're sitting and even when you're in bed. Since most people can't just put their lives on hold until the pain goes away, you're going to need to be able to pick out a back support brace that helps you get through each day, while maintaining back health at the same time. An good back support brace can even prevent injury when you're lifting heavy objects.

Things You'll Need

  • Back support braces to test
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    • 1

      Test your posture in a mirror, both sitting and standing, to make sure it stays straight when you're wearing that particular back support brace. A healthy back is a straight back, so the brace should be assisting you to stay in that position.

    • 2

      Consider what you do on a day-to-day basis and decide if you can do that with that particular back support brace on. If the brace keeps you from moving, your muscles are going to become inactive, not building up the strength that it's going to take to improve your back.

    • 3

      Try out back support braces that aren't overly bulky. Some serious injuries might require a bigger brace, but for the most part, you're not going to want to wear something that is bulging out of your clothing.

    • 4

      Understand the area of your back that is giving you problems and pick the right back support brace to address that problem. For example, if your lower back is in pain, you're going to need a brace that focuses more on the lower back than anything else. Most back support braces are designed for a specific region, not the entire back.

    • 5

      Choose a back support brace that can be returned if you are not satisfied. This is one way to test the legitimacy of the company from which you are buying the brace. If it is making a good product, the company will stand behind it. If it won't give a guarantee, walk away.

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