New Drugs for Chronic Back Pain
- states, "analgesic abilities of anti-depressants were once felt to be related to the alleviation of the depression, which can often accompany persistent pain, but several anti-depressants have been found to reduce pain symptoms in patients." Side effects such as dry mouth, anxiety and decreased sex drive may occur.
Although they have been used since 1952, periodic epidurals have become more prevalent in treating back pain. They can relieve pain and may allow some sufferers to live pain-free, however, it may not be effective in all those with chronic back pain. Side effects may include numbness that can be bothersome.
Anti-inflammatory medications, used frequently, relieve much of the pain associated with chronic back pain and do not have nearly as many side effects as drugs such as opioids. Anti-inflammatory drugs, however, can cause an upset stomach or a "sour stomach."
Oral steroids, although not without their side effects, have proven to be effective in treating chronic back pain. These drugs have many side effects including weakening of the bones.
Alternative Medicine
More people are turning to alternative medicine to treat their back pain. Acupuncture is a very popular practice that has shown great efficacy in many people.