Exercises for Upper Back Relaxation
Before beginning any physical exercises, consult your doctor to ensure you are ready for activity.
Release Upper Back Tension
Upper back pain relief can be achieved through a simple relaxation exercise. This tension-relieving practice helps to relax the upper back, and also incorporates elements of meditation, which is known to have a relaxing effect on the body and mind.
Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, relax your entire body. Close your eyes. Slow your breathing by taking deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling fully. With your arms at your sides, focus on releasing any tension in your arms and chest. Let your arms hang limp. Shift your focus to your upper back, neck and shoulders. While breathing deeply, imagine that you are releasing all the tension from that area of the body. Allow your neck, shoulders and upper back to grow heavier with each inhalation. Repeat this process until all of the tension has been released from the upper back, neck and shoulders.
Sitting Exercise
This exercise relies heavily on breathing and meditation to release upper back tension. In addition to relieving tension and easing pain in the upper back area, this exercise is said to bring positive energy to the body while clearing the mind.
Sit in a chair that offers back support. Sit up straight, with your spine supported by the chair, and extend your legs out, with feet flat on the floor. Acknowledge any thoughts or emotions you have at the moment, and focus on clearing them all away. In order to fully relax, your sole focus should be on your breathing and muscle movements. Remember to stay focused throughout the duration of the exercise.
Relax your entire body. Breathing deeply, inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Feel the air move through your chest, shoulders and lungs.
Now focus on the soles of your feet. With each inhalation, imagine a warm sensation spreading to every area of your body, starting in your feet and moving upward. As you exhale, envision tension and stress leaving your body. When the warmth reaches your upper back, hold it there, focusing on releasing tension with each exhalation. Concentrate on the neck, too, as much upper back tension is stored in neck muscles, which tighten with stress. Repeat this exercise until you feel fully relaxed, and you should notice a lessening of tension in the upper back, shoulders, neck and chest.
Shoulder Rolls
Creating movement in the shoulders helps to open the muscles in the upper back and neck. Motion helps to relieve tension and stress in the upper body, especially the upper back.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your right shoulder as high as you can without straining. Feeling a slight stretch is normal. Roll your shoulder back, dip it toward the floor, and pull it forward to create a full circle of motion. Return to starting position and repeat 10 to 12 times. Repeat the entire set of 10 to 12 reps on the left shoulder.
Those familiar with physical activity can follow the exercise with neck rolls, which also help to relieve tension in the upper back and shoulders.