Conditions Related to Low Back Bulging Discs
Americans spend $50 billion on low-back pain each year. It is the most common cause of job-related disabilities, and only headache is a more common complaint.
Sciatica and spinal stenosis or narrowing are caused by bulging lumbar discs. Cauda equina syndrome occurs when disc material is pushed into the spinal column. Untreated, it can cause permanent neurological damage.
Low-back pain is the most obvious feature of lumbar disc problems, but pain can radiate down the legs or into the feet. Numbness and tingling or weakness in the lower extremities may also be present.
Once cauda equine syndrome is ruled out, the first treatment choice is usually non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs. Physical therapy and rest are other options. If all else fails, surgery may be considered.
Many lower back problems can be prevented by staying fit, doing exercises to strengthen the back, maintaining correct posture and using appropriate lifting techniques at home and on the job.