Pain on the Lower Left Back & Abdominal Area

Abdominal pain and back pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Some causes may be something as simple as overeating or vigorous exercise while other causes can result from an injury such as a broken rib or a serious illness such as diverticulitis or kidney stones. It is important to determine where the pain is located to help diagnose the cause. Pain in the lower left abdomen or lower left back can stem from a number of causes.
  1. Causes of Left Side Pain

    • Pain located in the lower left abdominal area can often be caused from a vigorous workout. Exercises such as crunches, curls, sit-ups and running can all cause this type of pain, which will usually be gone by the next day. Other causes of lower left abdominal pain can include disorders such as diverticulitis and Crohn's disease.
      Diverticulitis is a disorder which is caused when pouches form in the wall of the colon and later become infected or irritated. Crohn's disease causes inflammation of the intestines and causes a variety of symptoms including left sided abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. These conditions should be discussed with your physician who can recommend the proper treatment.

    Causes of Left Side Lower Back Pain

    • Kidney stones are a common cause of lower left sided back pain. A kidney stone is a hard mass that forms when crystals separate from the urine. If these crystals are tiny enough they move through the urinary tract with no problem. When the stones are larger they will become trapped in the ureter and block the flow of urine, causing pain and sometimes chills, fever and vomiting as well. Medication is sometimes used to help the stones dissolve and pass from the body. Other treatments can include Ultrasonic lithrotripsy which involves using sound waves to break the stone.
      Bacteria which enters the body through the urethra and moves into the bladder and kidneys is another cause of lower left side back pain, if the left kidney becomes infected. A urinalysis is needed to diagnose kidney infections which can then be treated with antibiotics.

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