Upper Back Injury Exercises
The cheer exercise is a simple way to exercise your back and relieve back pain. Keep your arms relaxed at your sides and then slowly raise them above your head. Hold for five seconds, and lower them slowly. Repeat this about 10 to 15 times, twice a day. This exercise will stretch and strengthen the muscles in your back. Stretching muscles helps relax them and reduce pain. Strengthening the muscles helps them avoid overstrain. It also causes adrenaline to pump through your body, which can temporarily relieve pain.
The butterfly is another back stretch that can help relieve upper back pain. Start by putting your hands on your shoulders, palms down. While keeping your hands motionless, bring your elbows together. Only stretch as far as you can, as you’ll be unlikely to bring them all the way together. You will feel a stretch in your upper back. Return to the original position and repeat 10 to 15 times. This exercise will work muscles around your shoulders and in various spots in your upper back. The benefits of stretching may help alleviate the pain.
Arm Slides
Arm slides strengthen upper back muscles by working your arms and shoulders. Face a wall and place your elbows and wrists on the wall. Be as close to the wall as you can. Start sliding your arms up the wall. Move them up as high as you can while keeping your elbows against the wall. Once you’re all the way up, slide them down. Do three reps of 10 every day. This exercise will take great concentration and strength to perform, and doing it every day will quickly strengthen and stretch your back muscles, and give you a boost of adrenaline.
Pectoralis Stretch
This upper back stretch will stretch your pectoralis muscles in your back. These muscles can get tense and sore, so stretching them can help relieve back pain. Find a doorway or corner in your house and stand in front of it with both arms on the wall. They should be slightly above your head. Lean forward as far as you can. You will feel a stretch in the front of your shoulders that you should hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Repeat three times. After finishing, do a few shoulder rolls to lightly stretch any of the muscles you just worked.