What Is Sciatic Nerve Sickness?
Sciatic pain usually begins in the lower back and radiates down through the buttocks and into the large sciatic nerve in a lower leg. Sciatic nerve sickness often resolves itself in a few weeks or months. Other times it may be more severe, debilitating and longer lasting.
Sciatic nerve sickness is actually a symptom of another condition. A slipped or degenerated disk, a pelvic injury or a back fracture may be the cause.
Pain, numbness, weakness and tingling are prime symptoms. The pain may worsen at night, after standing or sitting, when coughing, laughing or sneezing, when bending or when simply walking a few feet.
Time Frame and Treatment
Some sciatic nerve sickness will resolve itself on its own without any treatment. Treatment includes ice for the first 48 to 72 hours then heat, over-the-counter pain medicine and sleeping with a pillow under the knees.
Sciatic nerve sickness can be difficult to treat. Physical therapy, injections at the site and/or prescription medications are often useful.
When the sciatic nerve pain is successfully diagnosed and treated, full recovery is very possible.