What Kind of Doctor Treats Lower Back Problems?
Practitioners that treat lower back problems include the doctor of osteopathy, or D.O., a chiropractor, and a medical doctor, or M.D., who may prescribe medication and recommend a physical therapist.
The D. O. will combine conventional medicine with spinal manipulation. The chiropractor will use different types of treatment for the lower back, including spinal adjustments, massage, exercise, ultrasound and electrical stimulation; when limited to the lower back, chiropractic adjustment has few risks.
In addition to spinal manipulation, by a D.O. or a chiropractor, an M.D. may need to prescribe medications such as a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug or a muscle relaxant. Cortisone injections, into the space around the spinal cord, may also be prescribed for pain from a pinched nerve.
According to the Mayo Clinic, spinal manipulation is an effective treatment for lower back pain. In fact, for lower back pain present less than four weeks, spinal manipulation has become an accepted practice and is no longer considered alternative.
Surgery for back pain is rare as there are no effective surgical solutions for muscle and soft-tissue related back pain. Surgery is usually reserved for back pain due to a herniated disk.