Epidural Injections for a Bulging Disc
An epidural injection is given in the space of the spine outside of the spinal fluid sac. More than one injection is often needed, and they are given about a month apart.
Patients may need to change their medication schedule before the injection. Patients should not eat or drink for several hours prior to the injection and should arrange for someone to drive them home after the procedure.
The epidural injection may be given in one of several places depending on where the patient's pain is located. The medications are mixed in a syringe similar to a vaccination syringe. A CT scanner is used to help the doctor position the needle. Patients stay in the clinic for a few minutes after the procedure for monitoring.
Many bulging disc patients experience pain relief and a reduction in swelling around the bulged disc and are able to go about daily activities with less discomfort. These results can be temporary or long lasting.
Some patients may react negatively to the medications with a headache, rash or hot flashes. Infection, bleeding and nerve injury are other rare risks.