Sciatic Pain Relief Following Myelogram
Rest, Immobilization and Medication
If you have sciatica pain, it is best to stop all physical activity for a few days and rest. During this time, you may want to use a back brace for your lower back. This will help immobilize your lower back when you need to get around or work. If your sciatica pain is severe, you should consider wearing the back brace at night, too. The back brace will prevent sudden movement which can further aggravate your sciatica pain. Take two ibuprofen or naproxen every four to six hours for pain relief. Continue taking one of these anti-inflammatory medications until your pain is gone. If these OTC (over-the-counter) medications are ineffectual, call your doctor. He may prescribe an oral steroid or give you a cortisone shot for your pain.
Ice and Heat
Ice should be used on your lower back during the first 48 or 72 hours. Ice helps constrict the blood vessels, which minimizes the flow of blood to the back, the main cause of initial swelling, inflammation and pain. Make sure the ice is compressed directly against your source of pain for 15 to 20 minutes. You can safely use ice every three or four hours. Once the initial inflammation is under control, use a heating pad or take a hot bath several times per day for 15 to 20 minutes. Heat promotes blood flow. Blood carries oxygen and certain nutrients (i.e. vitamin C) which are essential for healing. Continue using the heating pad until your sciatica pain has subsided.
Stretching and strength-building exercises for the lower back and adjacent muscles can help relieve sciatica pain. Start out by stretching your lower back on the floor. Lie down with your knees up and both feet on the floor. Slowly press your lower back against the floor and hold that position for two to five seconds. Do 10 repetitions. Another exercise for sciatica is pulling your knees to your chest while lying on the floor. Hold that position for two to five seconds and relax. Do 10 repetitions. You can also pull one knee toward your chest while extending the other leg. Stretching can help increase flexibility in your lower back muscles as well as increase blood flow. Strength-building exercises will help stabilize your spine and take pressure off the nerves in your lower back.
A chiropractor can also help you alleviate or heal your sciatica pain. He can manipulate your spine or put you on certain traction machines that can stimulate blood flow and relieve pain. A physical therapist can also help you overcome sciatica pain.