Sleeping Posture for Scoliosis Patients

Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves from side to side instead of remaining aligned from top to bottom. There are various degrees of scoliosis, and each degree determines the course of treatment that should be pursued. Slight curvatures of the spine can be helped with physical therapy. Moderate curves can utilize a back brace. Severe curves require surgery. No matter which degree of scoliosis you have, you can make sure your sleeping posture is correct while working with your doctor to correct the curve.

Things You'll Need

  • Pillows
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  1. Sleeping on Your Side

    • 1

      Lie on your side. It doesn't matter which one, so choose the side you are most comfortable with.

    • 2

      Place both arms out in front of you. They can be straight out or folded in front of your chest.

    • 3

      Curl your body ever-so-slightly forward. This gives you balance and keeps you comfortable. Too much of a curl is awkward for your spine.

    On Your Back

    • 4

      Lie flat on your back in a straight line.

    • 5

      Let your arms lie flat at your sides.

    • 6

      Set a pillow under your knees so they are raised. You can also have a pillow under your legs and feet so they are elevated. It is not good for the spine if the knees or legs are not raised up. If you are uncomfortable sleeping with them in the upright position, you should sleep on your side.

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