Exercises for Lower Lumbar Problems
Single Leg Stretch
Lie on your back on a comfortable mat or a few layered blankets. Bend your right knee to your chest and keep your left leg lifted at about a 45-degree angle. Lift your head off the floor and tighten your abs. Alternate legs to finish 10-15 times per three sets of repetitions. This exercise will work the area just above your legs and at the very bottom of your back. This is the lower lumbar region. Stretching and working the muscles helps strengthen weak muscles that may be overtaxed. This might help eliminate or lessen the pain in your back.
Hamstring Stretch
Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Keep your feet on the floor. Adjust your back until you feel comfortable. Slowly lift one leg in the air, heel first. Support your thighs with your hand for 10-30 seconds. Do three repetitions with each leg. This will stretch your hamstrings and the lower lumbar region. This exercise also works well by making your leg muscles static by holding the leg in lifted position artificially. This will help you hold your leg up longer. It doesn't matter if you aren't using only your muscles, as the stretch will still take hold. Do this by pushing your feet up against the wall.
Pelvic Tilt
This exercise requires you to actively work your muscles. It works your pelvic area and your lower lumbar region, and it might help reduce back pain by tightening tense muscles. Lie on a mat with your knees bent. Tighten your stomach muscles and pull your lower back downward into the floor for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise up to five times. The resistance from the floor will increase the effectiveness of this exercise, as the resistance gained by standing up while doing this exercise would not increase the resistance offered by the unmoving ground.