How to Treat Back Pain From Gallstones
Start treating your back pain with over-the-counter acetaminophen. Back pain specialists Ambrose Hutson and Paul Osborne wrote in a 2005 article that if non-prescription drugs don't alleviate the symptoms, you should ask your doctor to prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDS) or opium-derived narcotics known as OPIOIDS.
Ask your doctor about non-traditional treatments designed especially for back pain caused by gallstones. For example, ask about acupuncture, massage or even traction.
Consult a chiropractor. Ask if he can perform manipulations to realign the vertebrae in your spine.
Find out whether your doctor suggests epidural steroid injections. According to Hutson and Osborne, "epidural steroid injections....are directly introduced to the spine to control pain."
Consider treating your back pain with diet. Paul Osborne, executive editor of the website,, suggests fasting from food for about three days while drinking lots of water to push the small stones out of your system.
Continue with dietary changes. Osborne recommends drinking fruit juices following your fasting period and then gradually eating smaller meals after the pain lessens. He suggests a diet rich in vegetables and fruits once the pain is gone and to avoid fattening foods altogether.
Treat the pain, even if temporarily, with a heating pad. Place the heating pad on your abdomen, beneath your rib cage.