Holistic Solution for Disc Pain
Exercises to strengthen the back might help prevent further damage. Putting your hands on your hips and leaning backward gently for 30 seconds might relieve disc or sciatic pain in legs.
Chiropractor Steven G. Yeomans, DC, says that back and neck pain can be treated by a chiropractor doing spinal manipulation.
Physical Therapy
Your doctor might recommend a physical therapist if your disc problem is severe. The therapist will have special equipment and can provide physical support for some exercises, such as balancing on therapeutic balls.
Supplements and foods might help with disc pain. Vitamin C, white willow bark and devil's claw act as natural anti-inflammatory agents and vitamin C helps bone and joint health. Garlic might reduce pain. Richard Tiegen, DMD, says capsaicin (cayenne pepper) helps reduce pain and glucosamine-chondroitin might help protect and restore cartilage in the spine.
Acupuncture might relieve disc pain. Acupuncture needles might help with pain by causing your body to release neurochemicals that help you heal.
Back pain can be many things and a medical diagnosis is important before beginning any treatment. Consult your doctor before taking any supplements to avoid medication conflicts.