How to Treat a Sciatic Nerve in the Leg

A pinched nerve can come on suddenly for seemingly no reason or after strenuous exercise. If feel like there is a shooting pain down your hip and leg, you might be suffering from an irritated sciatic nerve. Nerve pain can be acute or chronic, but it usually lasts no more than a couple of weeks. There are many remedies to help alleviate the pain of sciatica. However, if you are suffering from extreme pain that leaves you in constant pain, see a doctor to discuss other options.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot and cold compresses
  • Tylenol or ibuprofen
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  1. Sciatica Pain Management

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      Take ibuprofen at the first sign of pain. Ibuprofen will reduce swelling and help alleviate the discomfort. Tylenol also works well for pain. If over-the-counter medication doesn't provide any relief, ask your doctor to prescribe something more powerful.

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      Sleep on a firm mattress and do not lift anything heavy. Avoid cardio exercise and doing anything that will irritate your condition. Bed and leisurely walks are effective in helping to treat the pinched nerve.

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      Apply hot compresses to your lower back to increase blood flow to the problem area. Alternate between hot pads and cold pads to see which works best for your pain management.

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      Practice yoga after the pain has subsided. Stretching out your leg and back muscles will help prevent a future recurrence of sciatica. Having limber muscles can help prevent most back and leg pain.

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      Practice good posture at all times. Do not slouch in chairs when you sit, since this can irritate your condition.

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