How to Design Your Own Cold Pack

A cold pack can be indispensable for pain relief and to reduce swelling from injury. Gel and flax-filled packs are easy options but they don't offer the same degree of cold therapy often necessary to have the best effect. These types also don't last as long as a fluid-type cold pack. Fluid-filled cold packs are readily available for purchase but they can be an unnecessary expense. Design your own cold pack and have it at your fingertips when you need it most.

Things You'll Need

  • 2-quart size zipper-style plastic freezer bags
  • 2 cups cold water
  • 1 cup grain alcohol (vodka)
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    • 1

      Buy high quality zip-style plastic freezer bags. This is important. Cheap brands are not sturdy enough for use as a cold pack and will break and leak with minimal use. A heavier freezer bag will hold up to many uses. For the same reason, use freezer bags, not storage bags.

    • 2

      Add 2 cups cold water and 1 cup grain alcohol (vodka) to a freezer bag. Zip it shut and gently swish the liquids around to mix.

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      Lay the bag on a flat surface with the zipped edge held up. Unzip the bag and expel any air trapped inside the bag as completely as possible by pressing down on the bag from the liquid to the open end. Quickly zip the bag closed. Expelling air will allow the water mixture to expand without having extra air inflating the bag.

    • 4

      Place the first bag inside a second freezer bag, expel as much excess air again and zip closed. A second bag offers protection should the first one have a weak seam that might leak or burst.

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      Lay the cold pack on a flat freezer shelf and allow to freeze to a slushy texture. Note that the mixture will not freeze solid like ice because of the alcohol content. Remove and use as needed. When melted, return to freezer.

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