Chiropractic Spine Exercises
Knees to Chest
Lie on the floor with your back straight and your knees bent at a 45-degree angle, with the feet placed firmly on the floor. Put one hand on each knee, and slowly lift the legs from the floor. Pull the knees up toward the chest using the hands to apply pressure, and hold the knees to the chest for a 15 second count. Relax the arms so that they are stretched, and hold that position for a further 10 seconds. Slowly lower the legs to the floor. Repeat the stretch three times once or twice a day. This stretch works the lower back, hamstrings and shoulders.
Side Back Stretch
Lie on the floor with the legs straight in front of you and your arms to your side. Bring your left leg up so that the knee is facing toward the ceiling, and spread your left arm out at shoulder height. Slowly lower the left knee over the right knee so that the leg is crossing the body. Use your right hand to aid the stretch by gently applying pressure at the left knee. Hold the stretch for 15 seconds, then repeat with the other leg.
Trunk Arching
Get down on the floor in a hands and knees position, with the hands directly under the shoulder and the knees underneath the pelvis. Breathe deeply several times, feeling the back expand. Drop the head between the shoulder blades and lift the middle of the back toward the ceiling while breathing out. Breathe in while raising the head and lowering the abdomen toward the floor. Repeat this three times.