Bayer Aspirin for Back Pain
Aspirin is a salicylate medication. It works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain and inflammation. Aspirin is also used to treat fever, chest pain, and prevent heart attacks and strokes.
Bayer Aspirin may be effective in reducing mild to moderate back pain. This medicine works by reducing inflammation and provides temporary relief from pain. Bayer Back And Body Pain is especially formulated to provide relief of back pain with sore muscles.
Taking aspirin can have some side effects. Teenagers with a fever, flu or chicken pox, should not take aspirin products. This is due to Reye's syndrome, a serious and sometimes fatal side effect of aspirin. Do not take aspirin if you have an increased risk of intestinal bleeding, ulcers or hemophilia.
Consult your doctor before taking Bayer Aspirin for back pain if you have any of the following medical conditions: bleeding disorders, asthma, seasonal allergies, liver disease, kidney disease, stomach ulcers, a blood clotting disorder, heart disease, high blood pressure, gout and nasal polyps.
Bayer Aspirin may help to reduce back pain. Consult your doctor if the pain persists or worsens while taking this product. Be sure to take this medication according to the label or your doctor's advice, in order to avoid complications.