How to Avoid Back Muscle Spasms
Create a Strong Core
Stand up straight. Poor posture can lead to back problems. If the spine is anything but straight up and down, that means some muscle is relaxed, but another is trying to compensate. Stand with your hips squared while holding in your gut. Letting the stomach pooch out curves the lower back and puts strain on it.
Exercise regularly. Sit ups and crunches work well to build abdominal muscles. To build muscles along the back, try the "superman" exercise:
• Lay on the ground on your stomach with arms outstretched in front of you.
• Carefully raise your arms and legs a few inches off the ground. -
Lift heavy items properly. To avoid injury when lifting heavy objects:
• Stretch to warm up muscles before you start.
• Directly face the object to be lifted. Don't stand at an angle or reach for a heavy object.
• Stand squarely on both feet. Don't lean or take the weight onto one leg only.
• Bend your knees and lift with your legs when you are picking something up.
• Keep your abdominal muscles firm as you lift. -
Do not sit for long periods of time. To avoid problems caused by sitting:
• Get up for a walk at least once an hour.
• Try to sit with both feet on the floor.
• Don't slouch. Hold your abdominal muscles in. A lumbar pillow helps with this.
• Get a chair that can be adjusted for the length of your legs.
• Sit squarely on the chair. Men tend to slide half out of the chair and work with their keyboard on their lap. Women tend to perch on their chairs. Use the chair as it was intended.
• Many people find elevating their knees above their hips when sitting helps avoid stress on the back. Put your feet on a phone book, or use a commercial product made for this purpose.