Physical Therapy Exercise for Spinal Fusion
Beginning with the first day after your spinal surgery, take short (and slow, if necessary) walks to help loosen up the muscles around your spine and promote healthy blood flow throughout your body. You may walk for as long as you are comfortable and are not in serious pain. Start with short walks around your home or down the block and back, and increase the amount of walking you do as you build your stamina.
Lie on your back with your legs directly in front of you, and slowly alternate lifting each leg until you feel a strain behind your thigh and in your hip area.
Support and Pump
Support the back of your stretched leg with your hands, and pump your ankle back and forth, pointing and flexing your foot.
Pelvic Tilt
Lie on your back with your knees bent, and slowly tilt your pelvis up and back to the floor again. Repeat the exercise as many times as you can, comfortably. It is designed to help to restore stability to your spine.
March in place, raising each leg 3 to 4 inches off the ground as you march and keeping your pelvis facing forward and still.
Lie on your stomach on the floor, and slowly squeeze your shoulder blades together as you raise your head and shoulders 1 inch off the ground. Keep your eyes on the floor as you perform the exercise.